Alarm Systems

Ordinance 834 is an ordinance creating Section 12.21 of the Village of Greendale Municipal Code for Private Alarm Systems.

Alarm Ordinance

False alarm fees amounts can be found on the Village Fee Schedule, located on the  Document Center webpage.

The Village of Greendale shall regulate the installation of private alarm systems in order to improve the proper emergency response for true emergencies and reduce the unwarranted response emergency resources for false alarms.

Homes and business with alarm systems will  need to obtain an alarm permit.

The owner of the alarm system will be required to register certain information with the Police Department. This information, such as the alarm monitoring company, authorized key holders and phone numbers, will be used by officers when they respond to an alarm. The information will allow officers to more easily contact the property owner in the event of an emergency or to verify that all is in order.

The alarm registration shall expire December 31st and must be renewed annually for businesses by submitting an updated application and renewal fee of $50.
Alarm Registration - Business

Residential alarm systems do not need to be annually renewed, unless there is a new property owner.
Alarm Registration - Residence

For more information, please contact the Greendale Police Department at (414) 423-2121, Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 3:00pm.