Healthy Mind, Healthy Greendale

    Crisis Resources
    Support Groups, Trainings, and Resources 
    Resources for Teens
    GSD Virtual Calming Room
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The Healthy Mind, Health Greendale is the newest addition to our Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). This group is made up of residents, parents, school district representatives, library staff, Village Trustees, mental health professionals, business owners, first responders, and other individuals dedicated to improving the mental health of all who live, work, play and pray in the Greendale community. 

Since its inception in early 2022, this group has focused on developing ways to improve mental well-being for residents by fostering an environment for optimal mental health, through providing education, promoting resources, reducing stigma, and offering support for the Greendale community. In addition, this group is working on providing information to the community about the benefits of developing positive mental health practices, increasing access to mental health resources in Greendale, and promoting opportunities to improve mental health.  Interested in learning more about this group? Contact the health department at 414-423-2110 if you are interested in attending the next meeting. All are welcome!

Assessment data has shown that mental health ranks as our community's #1 health priority area. Mental health heavily influences our quality of life. So, it makes sense that mental health, just like physical health, needs to be taken care of and maintained. 

There is and has been a lot going on for all of us. It's OK to not be OK. It's also OK to reach out. You are not alone. ?? Together, we are working to end the stigma around mental health and support you, our community members.

2021 statistics from the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) estimate that 1 in 5 adults and 1 in 6 youth (age 6 - 17) in the U.S. meet criteria for a mental health disorder each year.

Despite how common mental health struggles are, not everyone talks about them or knows how or when to get help. Many people suffer in silence. With the events of the past couple of years, children and youth have especially been struggling.

Mental Health and Substance Misuse Resource Guide
WIP Substance Misuse Prevention - LINK Version

May is Mental Health Awareness Month-look for Mental Health Tips yard signs when you’re out and about or pick one up for your yard at the Health Department.

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Mental Health Tip
Be Present in the Moment
  • 5 things you can see
  • 4 things you can touch
  • 3 things you can here
  • 2 things you can smell 
  • 1 thing you can touch
Mental Health Tip
Practice Kindness
For Yourself & Others:
  • Talk to yourself as you would a friend
  • Offer a helping hand or a kind word
  • Listen with an open heart
Mental Health Tip
Take it One Step at a Time
Get Unstuck:
  • Find one thing within your control that you can do right now
  • Focus on that until it's complete
Mental Health Tip
Strengthen Connections
Reach Out:
  • Write the text, make the call
  • Form concrete plans with each other
  • Volunteer in your community

Looking to add a little happiness to your day? Try the
Action for Happiness Calendar- available in multiple languages.

Free apps for Mental Health and Well-being- can be downloaded on your smartphone through the Google Play store or Apple App store. 
apps for mindfulness
The above image displays the icons and descriptions of the following free mental health apps:

Calm: Variety of meditation exercises and relaxing soundtracks organized by topic (stress, anxiety, sleep, focus, etc.).
Happify: Science-based activities and games to overcome worries and stress.
Headspace: Sets of guided meditations aimed at tackling problems related to stress, anxiety, sleeplessness, and relationships.
Heathy Minds: Translates neuroscience into tools for everyday life using mindfulness practices and podcast style lessons.
Insight Timer: Guided meditation app with a variety of mindfulness and meditation practices targeting stress, anxiety, and insomnia.
Recovery Path: Personalized evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies for people struggling with or recovering from substance use.
Ten Percent Happier: Large selection of guided meditations and mindfulness practices.
StopBreathe & Think: Guided meditation and mindfulness.

Want to take care of your mental health and not sure where to start?
Try this mental wellness action and self-care plan

Try these seven strategies for building 

These resilience-building practices can help you learn to adapt and recover in the face of adversity.

  • Prioritize healthy relationships: Build a supportive network of people who care about you and spend quality time (even if virtually) with them.
  • Take care of your body: It’s easier to maintain mental and emotional balance when you feel healthy. Make an effort to eat well, get enough sleep, and exercise three or more times a week.
  • Avoid negative outlets: Look for healthy ways to process difficult emotions. Trying to escape these emotions through harmful substance use will create more stress. 
  • Be proactive: We can’t always control our circumstances, but we can take charge of our response. Break problems into manageable tasks and move forward.
  • Practice self-awareness: When stressful events occur, it’s important to take a step back and reflect before we react. It helps to understand where your emotions are coming from before you share them.
  • Learn from the past: Recognize who or what was helpful (or unhelpful) the last time you were in a stressful situation. Remembering other challenges you’ve overcome can help.
  • Ask for help when you need it: Reaching out to family or friends, a health care professional, or a community resource isn’t easy, but knowing how to accept help is a sign of strength.

Healthy Screen Time in a Digital World
Televisions, smartphones, tablets, computers, and gaming consoles are a common part of daily life for the majority of kids. Since the pandemic began, the use of virtual interactions has increased markedly. At the same time, alarming rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide among children led to the U.S. Surgeon General to issue an Advisory on Protecting Youth Mental Health in December 2021. The more time kids spend on screens, the less time they have for healthy sleep habits, physical activity, and time outdoors, all of which improve well-being.

Mindfulness and Meditation
Try this 3 minute mediation to stay focused by Deepak Chopra.  It can seem quite strange to slow down, listen to someone’s voice, and follow along with the guided mindfulness, but it’s only three minutes! Your mind and body with be refreshed and refocused.